
                             ABODE OF TRANQUILITY

Located in the East Coast region of Peninsular Malaysia, Pahang is the peninsula's largest state. Currently, has a population of 1.2 million. Spanning north to south of the state, forming a natural divider between east and west Pahang is a formidable mountain range wherein lies Peninsular Malaysia's highest peak, Gunung Tahan, the inspiration of many a mountaineers in this part of the world. Pahang's climate is characteristic of the tropics - hot and humid all the year round with distinct wet and dry season that coincides with the wet seasons from the South China Sea. Kuantan, the state capital, is not only fast developing as a commercial town but is also a popular seaside resort. Pekan, the royal town is situated 45 km south of Kuantan.


Joget Pahang is one of the trational dance at Pahang . Which is its was a very unique dance that can be performed by the professional dancers only.


Gasing, or top spinning, is a traditional game popular among Malays in the olden days. In rural areas, gasing contests were held during the rice-ripening season. Kampung folks believed that the spinning tops would help bring good harvest. 
Gasing or top spinning is split into two categories. One is for ornamental purposes and while the other is for playing. A Gasing or top spinning contest basically a friendly games.


Baju Kurung Pahang is one of the traditional clothes in pahang which it have a very nice design and colors that suitable for ladies only. This baju kurung can be wear at anytime and any where .




Cameron Highlands is the smallest district in the state of Pahang which is located in the north-western corner of the state. One of the wonders of Malaysia, it is the largest and most famous hill resort in the country. This highland paradise still retains much of the charm of an English village.

Genting Highlands Resort offers the bountiful harvest of nature together with a staggering potpourri of international standard facilities. Besides the cool air and scenic surroundings, this hilltop city also houses the country's one and only casino. However, one should not underestimate its value as this casino has been featured in many films produced by Hong Kong, Taiwan, and even Hollywood. Besides the casino, this hilltop resort also has a theme park of its own and an entertainment center.

T a m a n N e g a r a is indeed one the oldest rainforests in the entire world, estimated at 130 million years old. The abundance and diversity of nature is phenomenal in Taman Negara, one of the world's most complex and rich ecosystems. A veritable treasure of the planet.

Tioman Island (locally known as Gunung Daik Bercabang Tiga) is a small island located 32 km off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia in the state of Pahang, and is some 39 km long and 12 km wide. It has eight main villages, the largest and most populous being Kampung Tekek in the north. The densely forested island is sparsely inhabited, and is surrounded by numerous coral reefs, making it a popular scuba diving spot. There are also a lot of resorts and chalets around the island which has duty free status.

4) HISTORICAL PLACES                                   

The Sungei Lembing Museum showcases the history of the world-famous subterrannean tin-mine. Located in the old turn-of-the-century town of Sungai Lembing, which was built with the wealth generated by the tin ore mined there, this interesting museum is housed in a beautiful colonial-type bungalow on top of a hill that overlooks the sleepy settlement below.


Pahang food features a lot of seafood. From its rivers and lakes come the fresh water fish such as the patin fish(silver catfish). One of the most famous dishes in Pahang is Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak. This a traditional dish, popular in the inland riverine areas where the patin fish (silver catfish) is found in abundance especially in the Pahang river


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