
Sarawak is the largest state in Malaysia covering an area of nearly125,000 square kilometers in the Borneo land mass. With such a large land area, Sarawak is home to an incredible range of tropical bio-diversity. With a population of around 2 million, Sarawak's rich ethnic diversity offers a unique local experience at the very moment you step of the plane. All that stands between you and Sarawak is your desire for an adventure and experience that is waiting to happen. 

From rainforest canopies to jungle wildlife, discover the diverse ecosystem of Malaysia's largest state. A city of modernity yet cloaked with its rich historical charms, Sarawak is a place where commonality and peacefulness is a way of life. A paradise of adventure for the adventure buffs, from the land to the sea, from mild to vigorous, whatever the challenge; if you're ready for it, you can be sure Sarawak will give you an experience like no other.


Kuching Waterfront

The Waterfront, now transformed into a landscaped esplanade, was an important place in the founding of Kuching. Take a leisurely stroll along the Waterfront to explore its historical buildings and admire the modern sculptures, open-air theatre and the musical fountains. While doing so, imagine the scene back in 1839, when English adventurer James Brooke first landed here and created history in Sarawak.

Tua Pek Kong Temple

The oldest Chinese temple in Sarawak, the Tua Pek Kong Temple is believed to have been around since 1843 although official records only recognised its existence in 1876. One of the city's prominent landmarks, the Chinese pay homage to the Tua Pek Kong deity here for peace and prosperity. This temple is situated at the traffic light junction near Jalan Bazaar.



Sibu BASE Jump is coming back to Wisma Sanyan in 2012 for the 4th consecutive year. The event will take place from 20th to 23rd September.

Building: Wisma Sanyan
Height: 126 meters
Location: Sibu, Sarawak
Jumpers Briefing: 19th September 2012
Venue: Sibu Town Square Sarawak  |  Start Date: 09.20.2012  |  End Date: 09.23.2012


Celebrated on the first of June by the Dayaks or Ibans of Sarawak for a week marking the end of the paddy harvesting season and the beginning of the new planting season. There is singing, dancing and considerable drinking of tuak or rice wine in the local longhouses. The Ibans working outside their village returned to the village for the celebration. There are plenty of food and certainly not shortage of entertainment and wine in the local way.

Bamboo Dance

Ngajat Lesong Dance by Iban Warrior
Sarawak cultural village and races



That is one bowl of egg noodles with chopped garlic, shallots and spring onion as garnishing, minced meat 
to add to the saltiness, slices of barbecued chicken to add flavour. 


Sarawak laksa consists of Spicy coconut prawn paste-based broth served with rice vermicelli , omelette and chicken strips, prawns, sliced deep fried tofu and clams.

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