Monday 3 September 2012




Played by two persons, congkak has existed since the time of the Melaka Sultanate in the 15th century. The equipment used is a boat-shaped wooden board with two rows of holes (usually 12) and one large hole (rumah) at each end. Each player’s rumah is the large hole at the left. The holes are filled with rubber seeds (or marbles). Each player’s aim is to move the seeds in a clockwise direction through the holes to his rumah while observing several rules of the game. The player who gets the most of the seeds in the rumah wins.

This game does not require any equipment. It is played by two teams of not less than 4 players in each team. A playing area consisting of a grid of six rectangles is required. A badminton court is an ideal place as the lines are already drawn. One team is the attacker while the other is the defender. The object of the game is for the attacking team to progressively enter the defending team’s area without being tagged by any member of the defending team. The “attack” can be done either individually or in groups.


There are numerous forms of Zapin dances and it varies from state to state. One of the most popular forms and certainly more evolved and intricate is the Zapin Tenglu from the town of Mersing. Said to be inspired by the ebb and flow of the tide and the lives of fishermen, the dance has many unexpected movements like a rotation of the body from the waist followed by a sudden accented, sharp and held movement of the arms and shoulders. It is said that these movements are derived from the feeling of being tossed around in a fishing boat and having to catch yourself before you are thrown overboard.


The Sumazau dance can be considered the state dance of Sabah. The arm gestures are likened to that of a bird and it floats gracefully at approximately shoulder level with gentle bending of the elbow and wrist or alternatively is swung gently like a pendulum, parallel at the sides of the body. The costumes are authentically Kadazan and are usually black in colour and made of a velvet type material adorned with the appropriate accessories. The music is provided by gongs of different size.

Chinese Lion Dance

Usually performed during the Chinese New Year festival, Lion Dance is energetic and entertaining. According to the legend, in ancient times, the lion was the only animal that could ward off a mythological creature known as Nian that terrorised China and devoured people on the eve of the New Year. Usually requiring perfect co-ordination, elegance and nerves of steel, the dance is almost always performed to the beat of the tagu, the Chinese drum, and the clanging of cymbals.

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